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Results for "main_practice: "X-The Mystery", latest_content: 1"
It: Chapters One and Two A decades-spanning horror fable soaked in trauma and buoyed by friendship.
Memory: The Origins of Alien A dizzying documentary that reveals the mythological roots of a movie masterpiece.
3 Faces An enigmatic and enlightening drama about the resiliency of the feminine spirit.
Phil Dramedy about a depressed middle-ager who tries to unravel the mysteries of life.
The Name of the Rose A medieval whodunit with moral firepower that reflects a reverence for books.
Everybody Knows A family drama that explores the long-term effects of family secrets.
Clara A close encounter with the ineffable mysteries of both human relationships and the universe.
Out of Blue An exploration of the big mysteries that dwarf crime conundrums.
The Apparition (L'Apparition) A touching drama about a teenage girl and the reporter investigating her claims to have seen the Virgin Mary.
Happy As Lazzaro (Lazzaro felice) A symbol-filled fable fixated on innocence, holiness, and inhumanity.